Welcome at the system shop of M-TEC

This platform is full of services.

Use the shop to order products, find the right accessories or spare parts. We also offer you helpful downloads and documentation for all products. You also have access to a large selection of advertising material. Our system packages are new to the shop and make both calculation and ordering much easier. 

We are looking forward to a good cooperation!

Social-Media Postings
Ihr M-TEC Team
Technischer Support Wärmepumpen
Ihr M-TEC Team
Technischer Support Batteriespeicher
Ihr M-TEC Team

Emergency Hotline

Our technicians are available for emergency calls at the following number, but not for planning, deliveries, general questions or commissioning.

Heat pumps:   +43 7612 20805 20

Energy Systems: +43 7612 20805 199


100% NACHHALTIG am Standort

Bei M-TEC werden Wärmepumpen zu 100 % mit erneuerbarer Energie produziert. Damit kann das Unternehmen nicht nur sich selbst versorgen, sondern erschließt auch neue Geschäfts- und Servicefelder.